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The Grain Architecture team collaborate with and are involved in multiple organisations and experts in the industry that promote various aspect of sustainable construction both as an organisation and as individuals on an voluntary basis. We'd like to promote some of these organisations and share useful resources for learning about sustainable construction and natural building materials.


Architect's Climate Action Network (ACAN)

ACAN is a network of individuals within architecture and related built environment professions taking action to address the twin crises of climate and ecological breakdown. Grain Team members are most involved in the Natural Materials Working Group


The Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB)

Grain Architecture are members of the AECB, they provide resources and training, and have a UK database of members in the construction industry who want to develop, share and promote best practice in environmentally sustainable building, it's a great resource to search for environmentally conscious builders, suppliers, and consultants.


Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)

Several of the current Grain team members studied at CAT. CAT aims to "inspire, inform and enable humanity to respond to the climate and biodiversity emergency."


ASBP Natural Fibre Insulation Group

The Natural Fibre Insulation Group (NFIG) is a collective of The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP) members who are the leading manufacturers and suppliers of natural fibre insulation in the UK.

Architects Declare

A network of architectural practices committed to addressing the climate and biodiversity emergency

Passivhaus Trust

The Passivhaus Trust promoters Passivhaus in the UK they have a database of UK Passivhaus, Enerphit and Low energy projects.


Passive House Institute

The institute that developed the concept and methodology of Passivhaus, they set the standards, and provide information and resources about Passivhaus.


Natural Materials Knowledge Resources

Companies and organisations providing information and resources about specific natural building materials and techniques:

Sustainable Building Material Suppliers

Suppliers and builders merchants who supply sustainable and natural building materials and products. They are generally very knowledge and helpful if you have any technical queries about the materials they supply/manufacture:

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